Oils from most other "pure and natural" brands are distilled with chemical solvents, not distilled in a sanitized way, and are NOT edible! There is no federal regulation regarding essential oils (even those labeled "organic"), so you have to know your company!
Young Living's oils are made without harmful chemical solvent, in stainless steel vats, and made under food-safe conditions! You gotta love that!
Young Living's Vitality line has FDA GRAS status.
Young Living's Vitality line has FDA GRAS status.
GRAS oils have a documented history of safety and:
• Are recognized as safe by well-trained experts.
• Safety is scientifically proven, passing toxicology, organic chemistry, biochemistry, metabolism and pathology tests.
• FDA knows the intended use.
The Vitality oils are EXACTLY the same as Young Living's non-Vitality oils of the same name. They just have different labels to keep the FDA happy.
Ideas for Vitality oils:
Add Citrus Fresh or Peppermint to your water
Mix two scoops of Young Living's Vanilla Spice Pure Protein Complete + water or milk + 5 drops of Orange = a Dreamsicle shake! Or add Peppermint to Chocolate Delux Pure Protein Complete.
A drop Thieves + coffee + a Tbsp of honey = immune-supporting "Christmas Coffee." My husband drank this every day at the fire station.
When I'm feeling under the weather, I make immune-supporting tea in warm (not boiling) water:

Add a drop (only one, because they're potent!) of Oregano, Basil, Thyme and/or Marjoram Vitality oils to spaghetti sauce or scrambled eggs. So good!