Pamela's Story:
I'd been living a health-conscious lifestyle but "suddenly" got sick at 25. There was no treatment or cure, and the specialists gave me only a few months to live. So, I was forced to try natural alternatives.
I stopped using toxic cleaning products, lotions, makeup, shampoo, fabric softener/dryer sheets, soap, candles, room sprays...all the things. That helped me survive, but I was still weak and in severe pain. Determined to improve my quality of life, I tried everything from seaweed to a hyperbaric oxygen chamber.
I researched essential oils, added body detoxification through the feet, and then decided to try a biofeedback scan to find out exactly what my body needed each month. We tried a cheaper version, but the information was sparse.
Then we found this scanner. I compared the results with $900 worth of saliva, blood, and fecal tests. The results matched! The difference is that the scan provided solutions. And the scan is far less invasive than the other tests and far less expensive!

The report is usually 54-56 pages long. For example, it scans the microbiome of the Gastrointestinal System which includes Microbials like bacteria, fungi, mold, parasites, mycotoxins, candida, etc.; Organ Function like large intestines, mucosal lining, small intestines, etc.; and stored Toxins that are negatively impacting the system like glyphosate, heavy metals, antibiotics, herbicides, pesticides, etc... That's just one section.
Then it scans for Balancers to help restore and support these challenged systems like probiotics, prebiotics, essential oils, supplements, services (like massage, dental care, chiropractor), personal activities (like stretching or using a mini trampoline for lymphatic drainage), etc. Your body has a natural inclination to heal. If you're cut, it scabs over. If you break a bone, it knits back together. If the body doesn't heal, than there's something preventing it from doing so.
For example, eczema is usually treated with topical ointments. But a scan on a 15-year-old showed the root was a lack of specific digestive enzymes. Another woman came to us for sleep issues. The scan showed that she lacked certain probiotics used by the body to make two hormones and that interfered with her sleep.
We received training from Trinity College to administer the scans and interpret the results. Each scan takes 6 minutes. Going over the results takes 1-2 hours, depending on how many questions you have. The comprehensive scan is $100. A food preference scan is $35 or free with the comprehensive scan.
It's time to get some answers!