Clean your diffuser routinely. We clean ours once a week. Or whenever we drastically change the scent - like from Raven to Stress Away.
Dump any remaining water and use a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol to wipe out the inside. Use alcohol on a cotton swab to clean the metal sensor. Soap and water won’t remove oils reside. That little sensor is important and will last longer if cleaned!
Never immerse your diffuser to clean it!!

Here are two of my favorite diffuser combos:

Add a few drops of Citrus Fresh, Purification, or Thieves essential oils to a cotton ball and place it at the bottom of your trash can. They will help keep your receptacle smelling fresh and clean!
You can also make a deodorizing spray with 5 drops of essential oil per each ounce of water in a spray bottle. Add some salt or tablespoon of witch hazel (1 Tbsp per 2-ounce bottle) to help the essential oil and water mix.
Shake your bottle before using the spray.

You either know a kid in school, have a kid in school, or are learning something new. There's help for all!
• Diffuse Peppermint to wake up and energize your brain!
• Ward off anxiety with Valor on wrists, back of the neck, or on diffuser jewelry.
• For a little help with focus, mix 10 drops each of Vetiver + Cedarwood + Lavender + Stress Away in a 10ml roller bottle and fill with carrier oil. Apply to the wrists and back of the neck. Keep this Focus Roller in a desk or backpack for easy access.
• On test day or presentation day, Peppermint, Rosemary, Clarity, Brain Power, or KidScents GeneYus can all help!

• 30 days on Mindwise made a huge difference in brain function for our whole family. HUGE! Huuuuge! Send me a message to learn more about how amazing Mindwise is!
Have you ever wondered how to get rid of a sliver or splinter besides grabbing tweezers and trying to pull it out? Here’s a little trick. Grab your bottle of Thieves, put a drop on top of the splinter, and a few minutes later VOILA! Thieves draws it right out and cleans the wound.

This is why everyone loves Thieves! There are so many uses for it!
Young Living's oils are distilled in stainless steel equipment that are kept pristine--something I assumed all companies did until I saw how a popular health store brand (that I'd used in the past) made their oils and was horrified. Definitely NOT food-grade!
Young Living's Seed-to-Seal standards insure that not just the soil is tested, but the air quality and water are also tested. They go far beyond USDA Organic standards!

Even though all of Young Living's essential oils are the same quality, some oils and blends don't need to go through your digestive system. For example, PanAway works best put directly on muscles and joints. Raven works best when inhaled for the sinuses. Stress Away works best when it reaches the limbic system (the emotion center of the brain) through topical use or in the diffuser.
If you wonder which oils will benefit you when taken internally, Young Living makes it easy! They put white labels on those bottles and calls them Vitality oils. They're the exact same thing as the regular labeled oils: Peppermint has the exact same thing in the bottle that's in Peppermint Vitality. Thieves has the exact same thing in the bottle as Thieves Vitality. Only the labels are different.
Keep those empty oil bottles! When drops no longer come out, remove the plastic reducer. There are still 4-6 drops inside. You can toss those drops into the diffuser or fill the bottle with toothpicks, let them stand a few days, and enjoy.

We love Vitality flavors like Peppermint, Thieves, Orange, and Cinnamon Bark. Some people soak toothpicks in Black Pepper essential oil to help with nicotine cravings.